opens for entries
closes for entries
Old School House, Churchbridge, Oldbury Birmingham B
Collection Points for prints, contact details can be found on the rules
Entries for MidPhot can be sent in the following ways
by Post or Courier to
Ralph Duckett MPAGB EFIAP APAGB - MidPhot Chairman
Outwood Hill Farm,
Lower Outwoods Road,
Burton on Trent,
Staffs, DE13 0QX
Please remember that entries to be returned by post or courier
must have return postage/courier costs forwarded with the entry fees
by Hand to
MCPF General Meeting at The Old Schoolhouse, Oldbury
to the following delivery and collection points
Thurs evenings only Smethwick PS Club Rooms
Judith & Roger Parry, Birmingham
David Goacher, Ashby de la Zouch
Ralph Duckett, Burton on Trent
Ian Bailey, Stratford on Avon
Christine Mallett, Solihull
Alan and Christine Lovatt, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent
Bob Goode, Kidderminster
Norman O’Neill Telford
Sue Vernon Bromsgrove
Please contact the above people by phone before delivery or collection
You are reminded that entries must be with the collectors by
Wednesday 5th February.