Contact MCPF

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iconInterested in becoming a member of the MCPF?

Is your club looking to expand its opportunities for your members? Then why not join the MCPF. The Federation exists for just that purpose.

Our mission is to support and connect individual photographers and their clubs across the West Midlands. We promote the highest possible standards of photography through seminars, workshops, events, friendly competitions, and access to national and international distinctions and events

iconWhat we can offer you.

  • Access to a panel of experienced judges and lecturers
  • With over 4000 members in over 100 clubs we have photographers with both a wide range of interest and skill levels
  • Entry to our exhibitions for both your club and individual members etc.
  • Affiliation to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain Offering Insurance, Photographic distinctions entry to international exhibitions etc.

To become a member of the Federation your club will have been in existence for more than one year, have a bank account, set of rules/constitution and a properly constituted committee.

General Secretary: Christine Lovattt

Is your club in our area? The Midland Counties covers Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Worcestershire, West Midlands, Warwickshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, and North Gloucestershire. We can also accept clubs on our borders with agreement by the adjacent Federations.

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